

The large number of architecture treasures of the Loire Valley is thanks to its many historical towns Blois, Tours, Amboise   Orleans and many others , without forgetting its many gardens and religious monuments.

In the Loire Valley the numerous historical monuments reflect perfectly the many new ideas of the Renaissance.


Bathed in the colors are present everywhere in the Loire Valley. Light pastel shades of the early morning mists, creamy white sand banks, the blues and greens of the flowing rivers, Mother Nature offers us a most magnificent  back ground . When the Romantic painters and writers of the XIXth century described the beauty of the Loire Valley many early visitors came to admire for themselves this grandiose scenery. They came first from France itself then from Europe (European Grand Tour) and finally , as yourselves, from around the world.

Maxime Maufra a great friend of Gauguin, traveled the length and breath France and Europe. At the turn of the XXth century he fell in love with the charms of the Loir Valley and the” luxuriant rusticity “of Lavardin which pleased him tremendously.  Turner immortalized la Loire: the paintings that Turner made of the River are without doubt the best known.  The landscapes of the towns along la Loire and of the River itself gloriously painted by Turner have never been surpassed by any other work of art.

Over the centuries writers and poets wrote to their hearts content:  stories of  love affairs, romantic  interludes , heartfelt regrets  in which readers have come to recognize and appreciate the Loire Valley. After the battle of Azincourt Charles of Orleans was captured and sent to London as a prisoner . After 25 years in the Tower of London he still remeùbered his beloved Loire River when he wrote  / Citation.

Here bellow are a few examples of writers who came to show their love for the Loire Valley in their works.

The poor Villon  when a prisoner in Meung sur Loire received possibly help from Charles and was then  able to participate in  the “open to all “poetic competition in the chateau of Blois.

In 1545 it would appear that Ronsard met at a bal the beautifull and young daughter of the Italian banquier Saviati. : her name Cassandra , she was to become the main character in the young poet first book called “Amours”.

In the following century the famous Madame de Sévigné  whilst staying in Blois,wrote one of the famous letters to her daughter in which she describes her journey on the Loire River.

Born in 1799 In Tours, Honoré de Balzac was a student in Vendôme. He wrote : Citation

Balzac used to come to rest in  the château de Saché in Touraine enjoying  the health giving properties of the climate and its wines .


Ever since Roman times vineyards and wine have been found in the Loire Valley and from here spread also to the Cher River Valley In the south as well as the Valley of the Loir to the north.

Thanks to a mild climate and a a wonderful landscapes suitable for wine growing, many different but all delicious wines are to be found in the Loire Valley. These wines are made up of red wines either drunk young or wines of keep, white wines dry, medium, sweet or indeed “liquoreux” delicious desert wines. Are also produced well known rose wines or even better sparkling. 5KEY WORDS°

Never heavy or too alcoholic our wines are suited to all kinds of local dishes.

The wine production in the Loire Valley is divided up into various but distinct wine regions distributed all along the Loire Valley in its tributaries.  In the Middle Ages when news means of transport developed the wines of the Loire were exported and found great success abroad. This export was also helped in more recent times when the Parliament of Paris passed a law where wine merchants  had to buy there wines from outside Paris. This law was very beneficial for the wine producers of the Loire Valley. Wines grow best  on hill sides facing the south. WXe also have many different types of soil : sun plus soil equals “terroir”.


Après les château le palais !

Loire Valley gastronomy will without doubt  enthusiasm the food connoisseurs : those who like river fish such as sander and pike served with a white butter sauce will be very happy !  Those who like meat such as “charcuterie” will find their happiness in our “terroir ligérien”.

We also have our own local chicken breed called “la géline de Touraine” with  which  our local chefs create some magnificent dishes.

A picnic on the banks of the Loire eating  “Rillons” and “rillettes” of Tours together with a local goat  cheese, all eaten with baguette and Opinel pen knife , washed down with a Vouvray wine will be remembered by you for ever.

The Loire Valley is also known as the Garden of France : we grow all sorts of fruit and vegetables : apples, pears cherries but also asparagus, all sorts of salads, many organically produced, a feast on their own.

Our local apples are used frequently in making the famous “Tarte Tatin”.

Cheeses and local wines are made for each other ! The goat cheese of Valençay in the shape of a truncated pyramid or the Sainte-Maure goat cheese create a gustative paradise on the banks of the Loire Valley !